Saturday, February 13, 2016

Tasting: Akiyoshi Cabernet Sauvignon

Name: Akiyoshi
Variety: Cabernet Sauvignon
Region:  Clarksburg California
Country: United States
Year: 2013
Price: $11

Winery Review:  Classic Cabernet with a boatload of lush red fruit flavor rounded out by a hint of vanilla from some old oak aging. This Cabernet just screams for a sizzling slab of beef - you can turn a simple piece of meat into a carnivore's fine dining dream.

My Review: This is one red that I thoroughly enjoyed. It had a slight taste of butter but was not too much of a oaky taste. The nose was not very strong but it had a deep rich taste. I thought it had a smooth finish and i would love to drink this wine again.  

I did not have this wine with food

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